
I obtained this picture from the web site of David Perman’s Rockingham Press, the publishers of the excellent book, Highbury County Revisited. It contains many of the recollections on this site, with some additional detail, as well as the panoramic school photo from 1964. This picture appears here with David’s kind permission.

The original picture was provided by one of the teachers, Mr. D. Lewis, who also provided the names. Before you scroll down, see how many you can recognise.

Highbury Teachers 53

BACK ROW: B.K.Youngs (Biology), G.W.M. Cobby (French), C.F. Winter (Maths), L. Gillespie (English), B.J. Beverton (German), A.E. Rosenthal (French).

CENTRE: L.G. Davies (Geography), W.H. Laurie (Art), E.S. Wood (English & Careers), E.G. Taylor (Divinity), J.M. Knowles (History etc), L.E. Lane (Handicraft), J.H. Duffield (Junior Science), D. Lewis (Maths).

FRONT: Mrs.P.M. Cobby (Secretary), S.B. Davis (Chemistry), V.F. Gage (Games & PT), C.J.K. Garrett (History), P.I. Howells (Second Master & French), R.J. Marsh (Head), S.E. Golding (Physics), L.H.L. Lincoln (Latin), A.P.Chapman (Maths), D.C. Leech (English), Mrs.D. Gauld (Music).

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